More new photos

When UPS says your package will arrive 4/14, hands off to USPS on 4/13 and they scan it twice but it never shows up


Anyway, I got a couple more sets of the new photos uploaded… Bespin Escape Leia!

Nice to mark this one off the list – now I just have one more Leia costume to shoot on the backdrop, the 70s Doll Poncho one. (And Bespin Gown when I finish it. I really need to start it. Geez)

Arwen White dress…

This is the one I really couldn’t fit in anymore. The zipper wouldn’t go up past my bra band, ugggh. But it was enough to keep the dress on long enough for the photoshoot. And as I mentioned when I did the dressform shoot back in 2014, the collar of the velvet dress has gotten stretched out and damaged over the years, so trying to keep that in place and looking right wasn’t easy.
Also, I had two stickers pulled off of the end of thread spools stuck to the hem the whole time and didn’t realize it til I saw the photos LMAO When I pull the stickers off new spools I tend to stick them on the leg of my sewing table, so the dress must have brushed against it when I brought it out and got them stuck to it LOL

I should hopefully be able to get the Ozma photos uploaded tonight and maybe ACWW tomorrow?